Tuesday, October 29, 2013

#11: Post your Short Film Production progress, research, etc.

Some research stuff! Whenever I think of Skyway (ie. Lina and co.'s place), I always imagine this very sleek, modern, kinda crazy house. Renkin fashions himself and architect, and he's a very straight, business-oriented kind of guy, so I feel like he'd go for the straight lines and sleek design that modern architecture uses today. Other parts of the house are probably differently styled (like Lina's part of the house is probably very pop-arty, while Fargo's part of the house is probably very mechanical and messy).

But the main set for the animation would be the kitchen/family room of the house, since that's where Renkin reads his morning paper and has his cup of coffee everyday. I'd like there to be a lot of windows and natural light, so you really get the sense that it's morning, but the pallet of the room should be very neutral, to contrast with the vibrant colors of Renkin.

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